Saturday, September 26, 2009


Last night was April's 40th Surprise Party. Ok, so she is already 40...and her birthday isn't until next month! BUT, her beautiful mother wanted to throw her a party while she was still 40 and not expecting it (since she had hoped someone would have given her a party last year!)

She was 100% surprised, showing up in her brand new dress to what she thought was her mothers engagement party!

April and her mother, Ginny
We were laughing and saying "Mac & Cheese!"
(April LOVES Wayne's Mac & Cheese)
I was not only lucky enough to be involved in the planning of the party, but I was also trusted to make the cake! I planned for weeks and came up with a beautiful daisy themed cake. Here is the cake in the making and final result. I am quite pleased with how it turned out!

Putting on the gum paste flowers
Front View of the finished cake

Side View
Other Side
Happy 40th Birthday, April....again! :)

1 comment:

  1. Holly you did an AWESOME job on that cake! I am still thinking of a great name for your future cake business! You will make a mint!
    Love, Cathy & her quads
