Saturday, September 26, 2009

Now THAT is a Peanut Butter Cup!

Last week, Wayne had to have surgery on his wrist. He had a cyst in addition to a torn ligament, which ended up to be a very bad tear. He is out of week for 8 weeks! We LOVE having him home, though I am sure he is secretly wishing he was at the station getting a break from the chaos!!

The other night, after his surgery, I was going to pharmacy to get his scripts and he asked me to get him "something sweet". While I was waiting for the scripts to be filled, I walked around the store looking for the perfect "something" to satisfy my patients sweet tooth. I walked down the Halloween Candy aisle and was stunned at what I saw on the top shelf. It was titled "The World's Largest Reese's Peanut Butter Cup". This thing cost $9.99 and weighed 1 pound!!!! Expensive, yes! But I had to buy it! If I came home and told Wayne that I saw a HUGE peanut butter cup, he would never believe just how big it was!

This is Wayne's hand (with a cast) next to the peanut butter cup. It was SOOO good. (yes, I stole a bite of it!)


Last night was April's 40th Surprise Party. Ok, so she is already 40...and her birthday isn't until next month! BUT, her beautiful mother wanted to throw her a party while she was still 40 and not expecting it (since she had hoped someone would have given her a party last year!)

She was 100% surprised, showing up in her brand new dress to what she thought was her mothers engagement party!

April and her mother, Ginny
We were laughing and saying "Mac & Cheese!"
(April LOVES Wayne's Mac & Cheese)
I was not only lucky enough to be involved in the planning of the party, but I was also trusted to make the cake! I planned for weeks and came up with a beautiful daisy themed cake. Here is the cake in the making and final result. I am quite pleased with how it turned out!

Putting on the gum paste flowers
Front View of the finished cake

Side View
Other Side
Happy 40th Birthday, April....again! :)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Move over Beckham...

Mason just started soccer at Palm Springs...the very field where Chris and Jessi played over 10 years ago! It was great being back there! We started off with exercise and a little run to the bleachers and back. Mason took off like he was running a 50-yard dash!!! Then, he looked back and saw his friend, David, running at the back of the group. He stopped and waited for David! He finished the run with him!! What a sport! It was like watching Lightning McQueen push The King over the finish line! We were so proud!

He was an instant pro...even stealing the ball from daddy! He was having a blast out there, which was the best part of the night! He was having fun and that is what makes us happy as parents! We love you, little man!

Always with a smile on his face!Stealing the ball from daddy!
Mason and DavidRunning to kick the ball in the goal.....
He shoots...He SCORES! (right between daddy's legs!)
Strutting his stuff!
Not sure what the girls are looking at here, but I love it!
Aubrey did not want her picture taken...
Lexi was just happy holding the ball....

Mason just wanted his banana!

One of the many joyous creatures of Florida...

This creepy spider was in our backyard!!! It was literally as big as the palm of my hand and I could have gotten lost in the web! So nasty!

My brave friend, April got right under this creepy thing and zoomed in to get this shot! It wasnt until later that we found out that these spiders are very poisonous!! YIKES!Leave it to a fireman....
The charred remains...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11/01

8 years ago today, thousands lost their lives in a selfish act of terrorism. Our Country will never be the same and those that lost their lives will never be forgotten. God Bless You and Your Loved Ones!
What a perfect day for Holy Cross Preschool to hold their first Chapel! The children sang their little hearts out! Mason looked so proud up there, being big man on campus this year! (Well, big as in the older class...he certainly is still the SMALLEST in his class!) He is standing next to Abigail, who seems to make him smile quite large when her name is mentioned. On his left is Antonio, his "soldier" who helps him fight the Battle Droids (Jack and Shay). Such an imagination!!
Aubrey and Lexi standing in the front of the church looking at the big cross!

These two photos were taken in 1979 of Heather and I on top of the World Trade Center. Christmas of 2001, our father had the photos framed for us in a frame that looked like the steel used on the towers. I cherish these photos!

This is a photo that Heather took of her candle at Creation this year. I can never get enough of this picture. I love looking at it and thought that today was the perfect day to post this picture!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Opdyke Fundraiser

On September 1st, we had the Chick-Fil-A fundraiser for the Opdyke family. April and I had worked for a few weeks to get the word out and our e-mailing, faxing and printing paid off! Chick-Fil-A reported that our fundraiser broke the record as the highest fundraiser they have had! AMAZING! Not only were we mentioned on the radio, but two news crews showed up to cover the event! It was awesome! April and I were interviewed, and if I can somehow get the video, I will post it on here.

I went to Chick-Fil-A twice that day: once with Wayne and the kids for lunch and then again towards the end of the day with Mason. I wanted to "check in" and see how we were doing! I cried on the way home. It felt SO good to be doing this for the family! There is nothing better than helping those in need, especially when the story hits so close to home! My heart was just so full of joy and I could not stop thanking God for making this fundraiser such a huge success. April and I worked hard, but God pulled it all together and I am forever grateful!

On Monday, September 7th (Labor Day), April and I went to Wellington Regional to visit Aubrey and her family and present them with a "mock check" ~the real money was deposited directly into their account. The family opened their arms to us and once again, I was full of happiness and joy! Looking at Aubrey, who could not speak, but mouthed the words "thank you" was the most amazing experience. To make a difference in someone's life is what life is all is what MY life is all about and I plan on continuing to do my part to make the world a little brighter!

Aubrey and Brian
Aubrey, Brian, and Mason's classmate, Hope
April and I with the family

Grandpa Visits!

Daddy came down for labor day weekend and though it was a short visit, we had the best time! The kids immediately were GLUED to him! I think he read every book we have to them... twice! After naps and first thing in the morning, Lexi's first words were "I want to see grandpa!" They had such a great time swimming with grandpa and reading books. Mason even got to show off his summersault in the pool!
I think they wore grandpa out!!! We can't wait for the next visit!

Once again, Mason didn't want to get his photo taken. I take them when I can get them!
(which is why there is only ONE shot of the girls with grandpa!)

Put those kids to work!

We have finally painted our house! We have been talking about doing it for months, and finally agreed on a color and viola! ~a beautiful new house!! Our cream house with brown trim is now a beige house with burgundy trim! The kids were having a blast helping! Mason was on the little ladder, next to daddy, with all his tools...just in case something needed to be fixed!

The girls were dressed in their finest, but had a brush in hand (with a tupperware full of water)....They LOVED helping!