Last night, just before sundown and then for several hours after, the planet Venus (visible for several months now) was supposed to be at it's brightest and close to a crescent moon. It was so neat to see! The moon was just a little sliver, and right above it, you could see Venus. There was not a cloud in the sky, so we had a perfect view of it!!
Obviously, the bright crescent is the moon. That bright spec just above and to the right is Venus!
Mason with the moon and Venus in the background.
Taking this photo was quite a Kodak Moment in itself! I wanted to get all the kids with Venus in the background, but the girls were too short. I had the bright idea of having Wayne hold all three while I took the photo. I didn't realize that the I had hit the zoom, and couldn't figure out why I couldn't get everyone in the photo! I was literally laying on the ground here, looking up at them to get this shot. Right after I took this photo, Wayne put the girls down and I said "wait, I had the zoom on! We need to take another one!!" Needless to say, he was not willing to accommodate me on this one! So, here is it....this was the best I could do!